Access issues

My nephews started it and ended it again. The best weekends culminate in some bonus synchronicity arising from reflexive

Last night delivered ND Football’s final home game of this season. Most triumphant!*

Today (well, yesterday now), NDWBB intensified Przybysz’s upper-body workout.

Assists! The beauty of flow, when a pass is thrown such that it is caught as if the scorer had the ball all along; some passes even defying physics like a bullet in “The Matrix,” threading crevices — the in-betweens only perceptible by the deftest point-guards and quarterbacks — perfect timing, poetry in motion.

3-point plays eclipsing 3-point goals

Video board ambivalence (I am largely a purist there–fine with leaving Jumbotrons and the like to pro sports arenas, as viewed from home.)

And yet, in the Purcell Pavilion at the Joyce Center, it does enhance the game experience and community, in more than just a glitzy, superficial way. I do not ~need~ all the extras, but they work; they humanize; they connect and spread smiles (and dance moves). Oh, and replays and highlights: kudos to the crews!

How about information? What is being shared over the P.A., even more importantly: player jokes and anecdotes?

I think it’s in the works, although it may have been a vision similar to Jake seeing the light***.

Open captions!

Did anyone else notice the slice****?

* Just 11 games after that good-sport natured,”Good luck with that.”

** Soc psych: happy sharing fun and laughs, infectious smiles; Hawaiian ice guy, chicken toss

*** “The Blues Brothers” motion picture reference

**** One of the best moments Saturday night was the sense of community, thanks to the “What would you fight for?” spotlight being Closed-Captioned. “And our hearts forever…”


What a privilege to get in this terrain, first of all.

Initial zoom:
Harry Potter with the dialogue is much appreciated! Thank you, Movies 14. This is my part in publicizing the captions–now increase equality of accessibility (movies ans showtimes). If all of HP was in Parseltongue, without subtitles, then people would have had a fit, and not enjoyed it nearly as much. Great quotes in the movie itself. Open captions are the best (most sociologically sound and economical from production to distribution), but I’m happy to have this addition to the repertoire if it means more access for more people. Something is still fishy with how Movies 14 went from all movies and showtimes having “CC,” to just a very limited few. Baby steps.


Thank you to Travis, Shane, and everyone in between!

In more sphere than one I am discovering people don’t care to have these sorts of things called to attention.

I tend to see him the least of all my doctors, and it’s always for something I try to grin and bear, but then hit a point like this morning. Yet, he’s there.

A+ for access, including the phone call to get in the same day, the office staff at check-in, the nurse who took me back, and then my dr. From structure to communication, everything was great despite being sick.

I’d write more, but I’m still beat.

In a little while…

The unit was not fully functional, so I’m not hooked-up yet. Next mid-week.

Not a total waste: I made a small shuffle forward on the communication access front — long, ongoing saga, but at least I’ve recovered my tactful cajones while in the midst of the situation. Major situational management efforts were required on my part, which is somewhat deplorable considering it’s the year 2007, and we’re well into the whole “patient’s/consumer’s rights” movement, not to mention the passage of the ADA over 25 years ago. I did succeed in negotiating a resolution. I’m a bit worn down at the moment to do greater consciousness-raising about specifics and generalities via blog. But it’s good to have the experiential breakthrough that gets beyond mere identification of the problem and contributing factors. Why merely complain, when one can work for change? I do need to treat this in a more systematic way, though. Naysayers close to me have dampened my former skills with these kind of exchanges, so I’m a bit rusty. (That is the deleterious effect of loss of autonomy that has biological origins. I do hope minds open more… I don’t have enough eyes to be a fly on the wall when it comes to discussions of my body, only picking up a random word here and there, while missing most of the context and counterpoints. That is, the keys to MEANING!)

I started this while waiting, before the appointment:
“My local neurologist moved his office to a new (recently built) office complex. You would think that in the year 2007, the new place would be more accessible than the old. You would be wrong. All 5+ patients that are here today, in the 20 minutes I’ve been in the waiting room, have obvious mobility limitations. Yet the doors are bulky, heavy, and too narrow for the two wheelchair and scooter users to pass through without appearing to be running through the American Gladiator gauntlet course. The cane users fared marginally better. It’s a double-door set-up, too, so just cumbersome, and without an automatic/motor-assisted option.”